It’s Victorious Woman Month. Who Knew?
Being crowned the Queen of Comedy should certainly qualify as being a Victorious Woman, right? Making it as a female comedian should qualify you, too. Making it as a Black female comedian? Is there a category higher than Victorious Woman?
And let’s not forget all the single mothers out there! If they managed to get a shower and put some food on the table, they are definitely Victorious Women!
The Story Behind Victorious Woman Month
So, there’s a book called Victorious Woman! Shaping Life’s Challenges into Personal Victories. The woman who wrote it – Annmarie Kelly – wrote to Chase’s Calendar of Events, a reference book put out by McGraw-Hill which is the authority on weird and wonderful holidays, and managed to get May designated as Victorious Woman Month.
First of all, kudos to Annmarie for coming up with the idea, following through on it AND getting it done. Secondly, it might be time to think about your last great idea and what you did with it.
Nine different women, each of whom faced some serious challenges, are featured in the book. Their stories and the “thought-provoking questions” that Annmarie includes are supposed to inspire the rest of us to overcome whatever challenges we are facing in our lives.
Seeing how someone dealt with cancer or busted through a glass ceiling might help put your mountains of laundry into perspective. If that doesn’t work, turn the tables. Instead of focusing on all your challenges, focus on all the little battles you won today.
- Did you manage to take a shower? Victory!
- Did you accidentally serve food that was expired without making anyone seriously ill? Victory!
- Did you find your favorite comfort food on sale? Victory!
There is a Victorious Woman lurking inside you, just waiting for you to champion your next big idea – whether it is getting a national holiday declared or getting the kids to eat their vegetables.
Now, we’re not saying you should inundate the good people at Chase’s Calendar with requests for a celebration of International Queen of Comedy Month or National Chandelier Status Day, which could possibly fall on the birthday of a certain someone who is the very definition of chandelier fly. (We’re not saying you shouldn’t either!) Just give yourself some credit!