Seek Chandelier Status in 2021!

If you follow Sommore on Twitter, you probably already know that the Queen of Comedy calls herself a Chandelier, who “competes with no one and shines no matter what.”

So, how do you attain Chandelier status? You have to let your light shine!

Flip the Switch

You are fabulous – and that’s no joke! (See what we did there? It’s a bit subtle, which is unusual in the world of stand-up comedians, so don’t feel you have to laugh or even chuckle; we’re just hoping for a smile.)

Ok, where we were… Oh yeah, you are an incredible human being and the world needs your light, so don’t be afraid to turn up the wattage and shine. How do you do that? It starts with being authentic.

If you are trying to be something you’re not, then you are not going to achieve Chandelier Status, you might wind up with Mirror Status, though. Someone who has achieved Mirror status is either reflecting someone else’s light or presenting a distorted version of themselves, like a funny house mirror.

Being Your Best Self

The folks at Minimalism Made Simple offer some great suggestions on how to be your best self so that you can shine.

One of our favorite suggestions is to ditch the distractions. As Minimalism Made Simple says, “It’s important to ask yourself, ‘What is holding me back?’ Distractions in your life may be limiting you from becoming the person you truly want to be.”

We’re not talking about the neighbor’s-music-is-too-loud kind of distractions here. “Your distractions in life can take many forms; it could be a negative attitude, too much technology, a toxic relationship or a habit of putting others’ needs before your own,” the minimalist people say. “Figure out what is distracting you from living your best life, and find healthy ways to minimize the noise.”

We wish you all the very best of luck as you set out to seek Chandelier Status this year! Can’t wait to see you shine. So share a pic of your own brand of chandelier fly with us on Twitter